Devin Hey, I’m starting a community from scratch—what strategies have worked for you in building engagement and trust?
Shirab I started a community focusing on quality over quantity. It’s easy to get caught up in growing numbers, but building genuine relationships with the first few members was key.
Emda_67 Shirab I started a community focusing on quality over quantity. It’s easy to get caught up in growing numbers, but building genuine relationships with the first few members was key. I totally agree with this! People want to feel like you're part of the community, not just the leader.
MrTak For my community, we used small events or weekly challenges to bring people together. It created a sense of routine and something to look forward to.
Andrew MrTak For my community, we used small events or weekly challenges to bring people together. It created a sense of routine and something to look forward to. I love the idea of weekly challenges! I think I need to implement that too. I also recommend having a few ambassadors.
Devin Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! I’m definitely going to try the weekly challenges and engage more with the early members.